본문 바로가기



#ifndef _ACC95
#define _ACC95

#define COPYRIGHT1 " "
#define COPYRIGHT2 " "
#define COPYRIGHT3 " "

#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 256 /* Max length of script input line */
#define MAX_WORDS 5 /* Max number of words on a line */
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 20480 //4096 /* Length of DICOM message buffer */
#define BIG_ENDIAN 1
#define ENDIAN 2
#define NO_ENDIAN 3
#define PARSING 1
#define SCANNING 2

#define MAX_SYMBOLS 100 /* Maximum size of symbol table */
#define MAX_NAME_SIZE 128 /* Maximum size of file names */
#define MAX_OFFSETS 500 /* Maximum # of entries in offset table */

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0

#define XRAY_IMAGE_SOP_CLASS_UID "1.2.840.10008."
#define US_SOP_CLASS_UID "1.2.840.10008."
#define MULTIFRAME_US_SOP_CLASS_UID "1.2.840.10008."
#define DICOMDIR_SOP_CLASS_UID "1.2.840.10008.1.3.10"
#define LITTLE_ENDIAN_IMPLICIT_UID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
#define LITTLE_ENDIAN_EXPLICIT_UID "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"
#define LOSSLESS_JPEG_14_UID "1.2.840.10008."

* NOTE: For the DOS version of this program, the name of the directory
* file is simply DICOMDIR. When the program is run under Unix,
* the file name may have to be changed to "dicomdir."

* NOTE: For the DOS version of this program, the path name used to
* access the CDROM drive is "E:". This may have to be changed
* depending on the operating system and the location of the drive

// char CDROM_PATH[10];

typedef unsigned long UnsignedLong;

/* DICOM Value Representations. See Part 5, Table 6.2-1 */
typedef enum { /* VALUE REPRESENTATION (VR) TYPES */
VR_AE, /* 0 - Application Entity */
VR_AS, /* 1 - Age string */
VR_AT, /* 2 - Attribute tag */
VR_CS, /* 3 - Control string */
VR_DA, /* 4 - Date */
VR_DS, /* 5 - Decimal string */
VR_DT, /* 6 - Date/Time */
VR_FL, /* 7 - Float */
VR_FD, /* 8 - Floating double */
VR_IS, /* 9 - Integer string */
VR_LO, /* 10 - Long string */
VR_LT, /* 11 - Long text */
VR_OB, /* 12 - Other, byte */
VR_OW, /* 13 - Other, word */
VR_PN, /* 14 - Person Name */
VR_SH, /* 15 - Short string */
VR_SL, /* 16 - Signed long */
VR_SQ, /* 17 - Sequence of items */
VR_SS, /* 18 - Signed short */
VR_ST, /* 19 - Short text */
VR_TM, /* 20 - Time */
VR_UI, /* 21 - Unique identifier (UID) */
VR_UL, /* 22 - Unsigned long */
VR_US, /* 23 - Unsigned short */
VR_DATA, /* 24 - Data tag */
VR_UNKNOWN /* 25 - Unknown/unspecified */

#define VR_AE_LENGTH 16 /* Application Entity */
#define VR_AS_LENGTH 4 /* Age string */
#define VR_AT_LENGTH 4 /* Attribute tag */
#define VR_CS_LENGTH 116 /* 16 Control string */
#define VR_DA_LENGTH 10 /* Date */
#define VR_DS_LENGTH 16 /* Decimal string */
#define VR_DT_LENGTH 26 /* Date/Time */
#define VR_FL_LENGTH 16 /* Float */
#define VR_FD_LENGTH 4 /* Floating double */
#define VR_IS_LENGTH 8 /* Integer string */
#define VR_LO_LENGTH 64 /* Long string */
#define VR_LT_LENGTH 10240 /* Long text */
#define VR_PN_LENGTH 64 /* Person Name */
#define VR_SH_LENGTH 16 /* Short string */
#define VR_SL_LENGTH 4 /* Signed long */
#define VR_SS_LENGTH 2 /* Signed short */
#define VR_ST_LENGTH 1024 /* Short text */
#define VR_TM_LENGTH 16 /* Time */
#define VR_UI_LENGTH 64 /* Unique identifier (UID) */
#define VR_UL_LENGTH 4 /* Unsigned long */
#define VR_US_LENGTH 2 /* Unsigned short */

/* Space reserved for strings is maximum length + 1 bytes */
typedef struct metaInfoStruct {
unsigned char version[2];
char SOP_ClassUID[VR_UI_LENGTH + 1];
char SOP_InstanceUID[VR_UI_LENGTH + 1];
char transferSyntaxUID[VR_UI_LENGTH + 1];
char implClassUID[VR_UI_LENGTH + 1];
char versionName[VR_SH_LENGTH + 1];
char appEntityTitle[VR_AE_LENGTH + 1];
char privateInfoUID[VR_UI_LENGTH + 1];
char *privateInfo;
} metaInfoStructName;

typedef struct dictStruct {
unsigned short group;
unsigned short element;
char *description;
} dictStructName;

struct dictStruct dict[] = {
{0x0002, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0002, 0x0001, VR_OB, "Meta Information Version Number"},
{0x0002, 0x0002, VR_UI, "SOP Class UID"},
{0x0002, 0x0003, VR_UI, "SOP Instance UID"},
{0x0002, 0x0010, VR_UI, "Transfer Syntax UID"},
{0x0002, 0x0012, VR_UI, "Implementation Class UID"},
{0x0002, 0x0013, VR_SH, "Meta Information Version Name"},
{0x0002, 0x0016, VR_AE, "Meta Information Entity Title"},
{0x0002, 0x0100, VR_UI, "Private Information Creator UID"},
{0x0002, 0x0102, VR_OB, "Private Information"},

{0x0004, 0x1130, VR_CS, "File-set ID"},
{0x0004, 0x1141, VR_CS, "File ID of File-set Descriptor"},
{0x0004, 0x1142, VR_CS, "Format of File-set Descriptor File"},
{0x0004, 0x1200, VR_UL, "Offset of 1st Dir Record of Root Dir Entity"},
{0x0004, 0x1202, VR_UL, "Offset of Last Dir Record of Root Dir Entity"},
{0x0004, 0x1212, VR_US, "File-set Consistency Flag"},
{0x0004, 0x1220, VR_SQ, "Directory Record Sequence"},
{0x0004, 0x1400, VR_UL, "Offset of next directry record"},
{0x0004, 0x1410, VR_US, "Record in use flag"},
{0x0004, 0x1420, VR_UL, "Offset of referenced lower-level dir entity"},
{0x0004, 0x1430, VR_CS, "Directory record type"},
{0x0004, 0x1500, VR_CS, "Referenced file ID"},
{0x0004, 0x1510, VR_UI, "Referenced SOP Class UID in file"},
{0x0004, 0x1511, VR_UI, "Referenced SOP Instance UID in file"},
{0x0004, 0x1512, VR_UI, "Referenced Transfer Syntax UID in file"},
{0x0004, 0x1600, VR_UL, "Number of Referencs"},

{0x0008, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0008, 0x0005, VR_CS, "Specific Character Set"},
{0x0008, 0x0008, VR_CS, "Image Type"},
{0x0008, 0x0012, VR_DA, "Instance Creation Date"},
{0x0008, 0x0013, VR_TM, "Instance Creation Time"},
{0x0008, 0x0014, VR_UI, "Instance Creator UID"},
{0x0008, 0x0016, VR_UI, "SOP Class UID"},
{0x0008, 0x0018, VR_UI, "SOP Instance UID"},
{0x0008, 0x0020, VR_DA, "Study Date"},
{0x0008, 0x0021, VR_DA, "Series Date"},
{0x0008, 0x0022, VR_DA, "Acquisition Date"},
{0x0008, 0x0023, VR_DA, "Image Date"},
{0x0008, 0x0024, VR_DA, "Overlay Date"},
{0x0008, 0x0025, VR_DA, "Curve Date"},
{0x0008, 0x0030, VR_TM, "Study Time"},
{0x0008, 0x0031, VR_TM, "Series Time"},
{0x0008, 0x0032, VR_TM, "Acquisition Time"},
{0x0008, 0x0033, VR_TM, "Image Time"},
{0x0008, 0x0034, VR_TM, "Overlay Time"},
{0x0008, 0x0035, VR_TM, "Curve Time"},
{0x0008, 0x0042, VR_CS, "Nuclear Medicine Series Type"},
{0x0008, 0x0050, VR_SH, "Accession Number"},
{0x0008, 0x0052, VR_CS, "Query/Retrieve Level"},
{0x0008, 0x0054, VR_AE, "Retrieve AE Title"},
{0x0008, 0x0058, VR_UI, "Failed SOP Instance UID List"},
{0x0008, 0x0060, VR_CS, "Modality"},
{0x0008, 0x0064, VR_CS, "Conversion Type"},
{0x0008, 0x0070, VR_LO, "Manufacturer"},
{0x0008, 0x0080, VR_LO, "Institution Name"},
{0x0008, 0x0081, VR_ST, "Institution Address"},
{0x0008, 0x0082, VR_SQ, "Institution Code Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x0090, VR_PN, "Referring Physician's Name"},
{0x0008, 0x0092, VR_ST, "Referring Physician's Address"},
{0x0008, 0x0094, VR_SH, "Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers"},
{0x0008, 0x0100, VR_SH, "Code Value"},
{0x0008, 0x0102, VR_SH, "Coding Scheme Designator"},
{0x0008, 0x0104, VR_LO, "Code Meaning"},
{0x0008, 0x1010, VR_SH, "Station Name"},
{0x0008, 0x1030, VR_LO, "Study Description"},
{0x0008, 0x1032, VR_SQ, "Procedure Code Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x103E, VR_LO, "Series Description"},
{0x0008, 0x1040, VR_LO, "Institutional Department Name"},
{0x0008, 0x1048, VR_PN, "Physician of Record"},
{0x0008, 0x1050, VR_PN, "Performing Physician's Name"},
{0x0008, 0x1060, VR_PN, "Name of Physician(s) Reading Study"},
{0x0008, 0x1070, VR_PN, "Operators' Name"},
{0x0008, 0x1080, VR_LO, "Admitting Diagnoses Description"},
{0x0008, 0x1084, VR_SQ, "Admitting Diagnosis Code Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1090, VR_LO, "Manufacturer's Model Name"},
{0x0008, 0x1100, VR_SQ, "Referenced Results Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1110, VR_SQ, "Referenced Study Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1111, VR_SQ, "Referenced Study Component Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1115, VR_SQ, "Referenced Series Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1120, VR_SQ, "Referenced Patient Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1125, VR_SQ, "Referenced Visit Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1130, VR_SQ, "Referenced Overlay Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1140, VR_SQ, "Referenced Image Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1145, VR_SQ, "Referenced Curve Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x1150, VR_UI, "Referenced SOP Class UID"},
{0x0008, 0x1155, VR_UI, "Referenced SOP Instance UID"},
{0x0008, 0x1160, VR_IS, "Referenced Frame Number"},
{0x0008, 0x2111, VR_ST, "Derivation Description"},
{0x0008, 0x2112, VR_SQ, "Source Image Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x2120, VR_SH, "Stage Name"},
{0x0008, 0x2122, VR_IS, "Stage Number"},
{0x0008, 0x2124, VR_IS, "Number of Stages"},
{0x0008, 0x2128, VR_IS, "View Number"},
{0x0008, 0x2129, VR_IS, "Number of Event Timers"},
{0x0008, 0x212A, VR_IS, "Number of Views in Stage"},
{0x0008, 0x2130, VR_DS, "Event Elapsed Time(s)"},
{0x0008, 0x2132, VR_LO, "Event Timer Name(s)"},
{0x0008, 0x2142, VR_IS, "Start Trim"},
{0x0008, 0x2143, VR_IS, "Stop Trim"},
{0x0008, 0x2144, VR_IS, "Recommended Display Frame Rate"},
{0x0008, 0x2200, VR_CS, "Transducer Position"},
{0x0008, 0x2204, VR_CS, "Transducer Orientation"},
{0x0008, 0x2208, VR_CS, "Anatomic Structure"},
{0x0008, 0x2218, VR_SQ, "Anatomic Region Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x2220, VR_SQ, "Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x2228, VR_SQ, "Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x2230, VR_SQ, "Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x2240, VR_SQ, "Transducer Position Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x2242, VR_SQ, "Transducer Position Modifier Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x2244, VR_SQ, "Transducer Orientation Sequence"},
{0x0008, 0x2246, VR_SQ, "Transducer Orientation Modifier Seq"},

{0x0010, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0010, 0x0010, VR_PN, "Patient's Name"},
{0x0010, 0x0020, VR_LO, "Patient ID"},
{0x0010, 0x0021, VR_LO, "Issuer of Patient ID"},
{0x0010, 0x0030, VR_DA, "Patient's Birth Date"},
{0x0010, 0x0032, VR_TM, "Patient's Birth Time"},
{0x0010, 0x0040, VR_CS, "Patient's Sex"},
{0x0010, 0x0050, VR_SQ, "Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence"},
{0x0010, 0x1000, VR_LO, "Other Patient IDs"},
{0x0010, 0x1001, VR_PN, "Other Patient Names"},
{0x0010, 0x1005, VR_PN, "Patient's Birth Name"},
{0x0010, 0x1010, VR_AS, "Patient's Age"},
{0x0010, 0x1020, VR_DS, "Patient's Size"},
{0x0010, 0x1030, VR_DS, "Patient's Weight"},
{0x0010, 0x1040, VR_LO, "Patient's Address"},
{0x0010, 0x1060, VR_PN, "Patient's Mother's Birth Name"},
{0x0010, 0x1080, VR_LO, "Military Rank"},
{0x0010, 0x1081, VR_LO, "Branch of Service"},
{0x0010, 0x1090, VR_LO, "Medical Record Locator"},
{0x0010, 0x2000, VR_LO, "Medical Alerts"},
{0x0010, 0x2110, VR_LO, "Contrast Allergies"},
{0x0010, 0x2150, VR_LO, "Country of Residence"},
{0x0010, 0x2152, VR_LO, "Region of Residence"},
{0x0010, 0x2154, VR_SH, "Patient's Telephone Numbers"},
{0x0010, 0x2160, VR_SH, "Ethnic Group"},
{0x0010, 0x2180, VR_SH, "Occupation"},
{0x0010, 0x21A0, VR_CS, "Smoking Status"},
{0x0010, 0x21B0, VR_LT, "Additional Patient History"},
{0x0010, 0x21C0, VR_US, "Pregnancy Status"},
{0x0010, 0x21D0, VR_DA, "Last Menstrual Date"},
{0x0010, 0x21F0, VR_LO, "Patient's Religious Preference"},
{0x0010, 0x4000, VR_LT, "Patient Comments"},

{0x0018, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0018, 0x0010, VR_LO, "Contrast/Bolus Agent"},
{0x0018, 0x0012, VR_SQ, "Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence"},
{0x0018, 0x0014, VR_SQ, "Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence"},
{0x0018, 0x0015, VR_CS, "Body Part Examined"},
{0x0018, 0x0020, VR_CS, "Scanning Sequence"},
{0x0018, 0x0021, VR_CS, "Sequence Variant"},
{0x0018, 0x0022, VR_CS, "Scan Options"},
{0x0018, 0x0023, VR_CS, "MR Acquisition Type"},
{0x0018, 0x0024, VR_SH, "Sequence Name"},
{0x0018, 0x0025, VR_CS, "Angio Flag"},
{0x0018, 0x0029, VR_SQ, "Interventional Drug Sequence"},
{0x0018, 0x002A, VR_SQ, "Additional Drug Sequence"},
{0x0018, 0x0030, VR_LO, "Radionuclide"},
{0x0018, 0x0031, VR_LO, "Radiopharmaceutical"},
{0x0018, 0x0032, VR_DS, "Energy Window Centerline"},
{0x0018, 0x0033, VR_DS, "Energy Window Total Width"},
{0x0018, 0x0034, VR_LO, "Intervention Drug Name"},
{0x0018, 0x0035, VR_TM, "Intervention Drug Start Time"},
{0x0018, 0x0036, VR_SQ, "Intervention Therapy Sequence"},
{0x0018, 0x0037, VR_CS, "Therapy Type"},
{0x0018, 0x0038, VR_CS, "Intervention Status"},
{0x0018, 0x0040, VR_IS, "Cine Rate"},
{0x0018, 0x0050, VR_DS, "Slice Thickness"},
{0x0018, 0x0060, VR_DS, "KVP"},
{0x0018, 0x0070, VR_IS, "Counts Accumulated"},
{0x0018, 0x0071, VR_CS, "Acquisition Termination Condition"},
{0x0018, 0x0072, VR_DS, "Effective Series Duration"},
{0x0018, 0x0080, VR_DS, "Repetition Time"},
{0x0018, 0x0081, VR_DS, "Echo Time"},
{0x0018, 0x0082, VR_DS, "Inversion Time"},
{0x0018, 0x0083, VR_DS, "Number of Averages"},
{0x0018, 0x0084, VR_DS, "Imaging Frequency"},
{0x0018, 0x0085, VR_SH, "Imaged Nucleus"},
{0x0018, 0x0086, VR_IS, "Echo Number(s)"},
{0x0018, 0x0087, VR_DS, "Magnetic Field Strength"},
{0x0018, 0x0088, VR_DS, "Spacing Between Slices"},
{0x0018, 0x0089, VR_IS, "Number of Phase Encoding Steps"},
{0x0018, 0x0090, VR_DS, "Data Collection Diameter"},
{0x0018, 0x0091, VR_IS, "Echo Train Length"},
{0x0018, 0x0093, VR_DS, "Percent Sampling"},
{0x0018, 0x0094, VR_DS, "Percent Phase Field of View"},
{0x0018, 0x0095, VR_DS, "Pixel Bandwidth"},
{0x0018, 0x1000, VR_LO, "Device Serial Number"},
{0x0018, 0x1004, VR_LO, "Plate ID"},
{0x0018, 0x1010, VR_LO, "Secondary Capture Device ID"},
{0x0018, 0x1012, VR_DA, "Date of Secondary Capture"},
{0x0018, 0x1014, VR_TM, "Time of Secondary Capture"},
{0x0018, 0x1016, VR_LO, "Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer"},
{0x0018, 0x1018, VR_LO, "Secondary Capture Device Manufact Model Name"},
{0x0018, 0x1019, VR_LO, "Secondary Capture Device Software Version(s)"},
{0x0018, 0x1020, VR_LO, "Software Version(s)"},
{0x0018, 0x1022, VR_SH, "Video Image Format Acquired"},
{0x0018, 0x1023, VR_LO, "Digital Image Format Acquired"},
{0x0018, 0x1030, VR_LO, "Protocol Name"},
{0x0018, 0x1040, VR_LO, "Contrast/Bolus Route"},
{0x0018, 0x1041, VR_DS, "Contrast/Bolus Volume"},
{0x0018, 0x1042, VR_TM, "Contrast/Bolus Start Time"},
{0x0018, 0x1043, VR_TM, "Contrast/Bolus Stop Time"},
{0x0018, 0x1044, VR_DS, "Contrast/Bolus Total Dose"},
{0x0018, 0x1045, VR_IS, "Syringe counts"},
{0x0018, 0x1046, VR_DS, "Contrast Flow Rate(s)"},
{0x0018, 0x1047, VR_DS, "Contrast Flow Duration(s)"},
{0x0018, 0x1048, VR_CS, "Contrast/Bolus Intredient"},
{0x0018, 0x1049, VR_DS, "Contrast/Bolus Intredient Concentration"},
{0x0018, 0x1050, VR_DS, "Spatial Resolution"},
{0x0018, 0x1060, VR_DS, "Trigger Time"},
{0x0018, 0x1061, VR_LO, "Trigger Source or Type"},
{0x0018, 0x1062, VR_IS, "Nominal Interval"},
{0x0018, 0x1063, VR_DS, "Frame Time"},
{0x0018, 0x1064, VR_LO, "Framing Type"},
{0x0018, 0x1065, VR_DS, "Frame Time Vector"},
{0x0018, 0x1066, VR_DS, "Frame Delay"},
{0x0018, 0x1070, VR_LO, "Radionuclide Route"},
{0x0018, 0x1071, VR_DS, "Radionuclide Volume"},
{0x0018, 0x1072, VR_TM, "Radionuclide Start Time"},
{0x0018, 0x1073, VR_TM, "Radionuclide Stop Time"},
{0x0018, 0x1074, VR_DS, "Radionuclide Total Dose"},
{0x0018, 0x1080, VR_CS, "Beat Rejection Flag"},
{0x0018, 0x1081, VR_IS, "Low R-R Value"},
{0x0018, 0x1082, VR_IS, "High R-R Value"},
{0x0018, 0x1083, VR_IS, "Intervals Acquired"},
{0x0018, 0x1084, VR_IS, "Intervals Rejected"},
{0x0018, 0x1085, VR_LO, "PVC Rejection"},
{0x0018, 0x1086, VR_IS, "Skip Beats"},
{0x0018, 0x1088, VR_IS, "Heart Rate"},
{0x0018, 0x1090, VR_IS, "Cardiac Number of Images"},
{0x0018, 0x1094, VR_IS, "Trigger Window"},
{0x0018, 0x1100, VR_DS, "Reconstruction Diameter"},
{0x0018, 0x1110, VR_DS, "Distance Source to Detector"},
{0x0018, 0x1111, VR_DS, "Distance Source to Patient"},
{0x0018, 0x1114, VR_DS, "Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor"},
{0x0018, 0x1120, VR_DS, "Gantry/Detector Tilt"},
{0x0018, 0x1130, VR_DS, "Table Height"},
{0x0018, 0x1131, VR_DS, "Table Traverse"},
{0x0018, 0x1134, VR_CS, "Table Motion"},
{0x0018, 0x1135, VR_DS, "Table Vertical Increment"},
{0x0018, 0x1136, VR_DS, "Table Lateral Increment"},
{0x0018, 0x1137, VR_DS, "Table Longitudinal Increment"},
{0x0018, 0x1138, VR_DS, "Table Angle"}, /* corrected from 0018,1137 */
{0x0018, 0x1140, VR_CS, "Rotation Direction"},
{0x0018, 0x1141, VR_DS, "Angular Position"},
{0x0018, 0x1142, VR_DS, "Radial Position"},
{0x0018, 0x1143, VR_DS, "Scan Arc"},
{0x0018, 0x1144, VR_DS, "Angular Step"},
{0x0018, 0x1145, VR_DS, "Center of Rotation Offset"},
{0x0018, 0x1146, VR_DS, "Rotation Offset"},
{0x0018, 0x1147, VR_CS, "Field of View Shape"},
{0x0018, 0x1149, VR_IS, "Field of View Dimension(s)"},
{0x0018, 0x1150, VR_IS, "Exposure Time"},
{0x0018, 0x1151, VR_IS, "X-ray Tube Current"},
{0x0018, 0x1152, VR_IS, "Exposure"},
{0x0018, 0x1154, VR_DS, "Average Pulse Width"},
{0x0018, 0x1155, VR_CS, "Radiation Setting"},
{0x0018, 0x115A, VR_CS, "Radiation Mode"},
{0x0018, 0x115E, VR_DS, "Image Area Dose Produce"},
{0x0018, 0x1160, VR_SH, "Filter Type"},
{0x0018, 0x1161, VR_LO, "Type of Filters"},
{0x0018, 0x1162, VR_DS, "Intensifier Size"},
{0x0018, 0x1164, VR_DS, "Imager Pixel Spacing"},
{0x0018, 0x1166, VR_CS, "Grid"},
{0x0018, 0x1170, VR_IS, "Generator Power"},
{0x0018, 0x1180, VR_SH, "Collimator/grid Name"},
{0x0018, 0x1181, VR_CS, "Collimator Type"},
{0x0018, 0x1182, VR_IS, "Focal Distance"},
{0x0018, 0x1183, VR_DS, "X Focus Center"},
{0x0018, 0x1184, VR_DS, "Y Focus Center"},
{0x0018, 0x1190, VR_DS, "Focal Spot(s)"},
{0x0018, 0x1200, VR_DA, "Date of Last Calibration"},
{0x0018, 0x1201, VR_TM, "Time of Last Calibration"},
{0x0018, 0x1210, VR_SH, "Convolution Kernel"},
{0x0018, 0x1242, VR_IS, "Actual Frame Duration"},
{0x0018, 0x1243, VR_IS, "Count Rate"},
{0x0018, 0x1250, VR_SH, "Receiving Coil"},
{0x0018, 0x1251, VR_SH, "Transmitting Coil"},
{0x0018, 0x1260, VR_SH, "Plate Type"},
{0x0018, 0x1261, VR_LO, "Phosphor Type"},
{0x0018, 0x1300, VR_IS, "Scan Velocity"},
{0x0018, 0x1301, VR_CS, "Whole Body Technique"},
{0x0018, 0x1302, VR_IS, "Scan Length"},
{0x0018, 0x1310, VR_US, "Acquisition Matrix"},
{0x0018, 0x1312, VR_CS, "Phase Encoding Direction"},
{0x0018, 0x1314, VR_DS, "Flip Angle"},
{0x0018, 0x1315, VR_CS, "Variable Flip Angle Flag"},
{0x0018, 0x1316, VR_DS, "SAR"},
{0x0018, 0x1318, VR_DS, "dB/dt"},
{0x0018, 0x1400, VR_LO, "Acquisition Device Processing Description"},
{0x0018, 0x1401, VR_LO, "Acquisition Device Processing Code"},
{0x0018, 0x1402, VR_CS, "Cassette Orientation"},
{0x0018, 0x1403, VR_CS, "Cassette Size"},
{0x0018, 0x1404, VR_US, "Exposures on Plate"},
{0x0018, 0x1405, VR_IS, "Relative X-ray Exposure"},
{0x0018, 0x1500, VR_CS, "Positioner Motion"},
{0x0018, 0x1510, VR_DS, "Positioner Primary Angle"},
{0x0018, 0x1511, VR_DS, "Positioner Secondary Angle"},
{0x0018, 0x1520, VR_DS, "Positioner Primary Angle Increment"},
{0x0018, 0x1521, VR_DS, "Positioner Secondary Angle Increment"},
{0x0018, 0x1600, VR_CS, "Shutter Shape"},
{0x0018, 0x1602, VR_IS, "Shutter Left Vertical Edge"},
{0x0018, 0x1604, VR_IS, "Shutter Right Vertical Edge"},
{0x0018, 0x1606, VR_IS, "Shutter Upper Vertical Edge"},
{0x0018, 0x1608, VR_IS, "Shutter Lower Vertical Edge"},
{0x0018, 0x1610, VR_IS, "Center of Circular Shutter"},
{0x0018, 0x1612, VR_IS, "Radius of Circular Shutter"},
{0x0018, 0x1620, VR_IS, "Vertices of the Polygonal Shutter"},
{0x0018, 0x1700, VR_CS, "Collimator Shape"},
{0x0018, 0x1702, VR_IS, "Collimator Left Vertical Edge"},
{0x0018, 0x1704, VR_IS, "Collimator Right Vertical Edge"},
{0x0018, 0x1706, VR_IS, "Collimator Upper Horizontal Edge"},
{0x0018, 0x1708, VR_IS, "Collimator Lower Horizontal Edge"},
{0x0018, 0x1710, VR_IS, "Center of Circular Collimator"},
{0x0018, 0x1712, VR_IS, "Radius of Circular Collimator"},
{0x0018, 0x1720, VR_IS, "Vertices of the Polygonal Collimator"},
{0x0018, 0x5000, VR_SH, "Output Power"},
{0x0018, 0x5010, VR_LO, "Transducer"},
{0x0018, 0x5012, VR_DS, "Focus Depth"},
{0x0018, 0x5020, VR_LO, "Preprocessing Function"},
{0x0018, 0x5021, VR_LO, "Postprocessing Function"},
{0x0018, 0x5022, VR_DS, "Mechanical Index"},
{0x0018, 0x5024, VR_DS, "Thermal Index"},
{0x0018, 0x5026, VR_DS, "Cranial Thermal Index"},
{0x0018, 0x5027, VR_DS, "Soft Tissue Thermal Index"},
{0x0018, 0x5028, VR_DS, "Soft Tissue-focus Thermal Index"},
{0x0018, 0x5029, VR_DS, "Soft Tissue-surface Thermal Index"},
{0x0018, 0x5050, VR_IS, "Depth of Scan Field"},
{0x0018, 0x5100, VR_CS, "Patient Position"},
{0x0018, 0x5101, VR_CS, "View Position"},
{0x0018, 0x5210, VR_DS, "Image Transformation Matrix"},
{0x0018, 0x5212, VR_DS, "Image Translation Vector"},
{0x0018, 0x6000, VR_DS, "Sensitivity"},
{0x0018, 0x6011, VR_SQ, "Sequence of Ultrasound Regions"},
{0x0018, 0x6012, VR_US, "Region Spatial Format"},
{0x0018, 0x6016, VR_UL, "Region Flags"},
{0x0018, 0x6018, VR_UL, "Region Location Min X0"},
{0x0018, 0x601A, VR_UL, "Region Location Min Y0"},
{0x0018, 0x601C, VR_UL, "Region Location Max X1"},
{0x0018, 0x601E, VR_UL, "Region Location Max Y1"},
{0x0018, 0x6020, VR_SL, "Reference Pixel X0"},
{0x0018, 0x6022, VR_SL, "Reference Pixel Y0"},
{0x0018, 0x6024, VR_US, "Physical Units X Direction"},
{0x0018, 0x6026, VR_US, "Physical Units Y Direction"},
{0x0018, 0x6028, VR_FD, "Reference Pixel Physical Value X"},
{0x0018, 0x602A, VR_FD, "Reference Pixel Physical Value Y"},
{0x0018, 0x602C, VR_FD, "Physical Delta X"},
{0x0018, 0x602E, VR_FD, "Physical Delta Y"},
{0x0018, 0x6030, VR_UL, "Transducer Frequency"},
{0x0018, 0x6031, VR_CS, "Transducer Type"},
{0x0018, 0x6032, VR_UL, "Pulse Repetition Frequency"},
{0x0018, 0x6034, VR_FD, "Doppler Correction Angle"},
{0x0018, 0x6036, VR_FD, "Sterring Angle"},
{0x0018, 0x6038, VR_UL, "Doppler Sample Volume X Position"},
{0x0018, 0x603A, VR_UL, "Doppler Sample Volume Y Position"},
{0x0018, 0x603C, VR_UL, "TM-Line Position X0"},
{0x0018, 0x603E, VR_UL, "TM-Line Position Y0"},
{0x0018, 0x6040, VR_UL, "TM-Line Position X1"},
{0x0018, 0x6042, VR_UL, "TM-Line Position Y1"},
{0x0018, 0x6044, VR_US, "Pixel Component Organization"},
{0x0018, 0x6046, VR_UL, "Pixel Component Mask"},
{0x0018, 0x6048, VR_UL, "Pixel Component Range Start"},
{0x0018, 0x604A, VR_UL, "Pixel Component Range Stop"},
{0x0018, 0x604C, VR_US, "Pixel Component Physical Units"},
{0x0018, 0x604E, VR_US, "Pixel Component Data Type"},
{0x0018, 0x6050, VR_UL, "Number of Table Break Points"},
{0x0018, 0x6052, VR_UL, "Table of X Break Points"},
{0x0018, 0x6054, VR_FD, "Table of Y Break Points"},
{0x0018, 0x6056, VR_UL, "Number of Table Entries"},
{0x0018, 0x6058, VR_UL, "Table of Pixel values"},
{0x0018, 0x605A, VR_FL, "Table of Parameter values"},

{0x0020, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0020, 0x000D, VR_UI, "Study Instance UID"},
{0x0020, 0x000E, VR_UI, "Series Instance UID"},
{0x0020, 0x0010, VR_SH, "Study ID"},
{0x0020, 0x0011, VR_IS, "Series Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0012, VR_IS, "Acquisition Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0013, VR_IS, "Image Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0014, VR_IS, "Isotope Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0015, VR_IS, "Phase Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0016, VR_IS, "Interval Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0017, VR_IS, "Time Slot Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0018, VR_IS, "Angle Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0020, VR_CS, "Patient Orientation"},
{0x0020, 0x0022, VR_IS, "Overlay Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0024, VR_IS, "Curve Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0026, VR_IS, "LUT Number"},
{0x0020, 0x0032, VR_DS, "Image Position (Patient)"},
{0x0020, 0x0037, VR_DS, "Image Orientation (Patient)"},
{0x0020, 0x0052, VR_UI, "Frame of Reference UID"},
{0x0020, 0x0060, VR_CS, "Laterality"},
{0x0020, 0x0100, VR_IS, "Temporal Position Identifier"},
{0x0020, 0x0105, VR_IS, "Number of Temporal Positions"},
{0x0020, 0x0110, VR_DS, "Temporal Resolution"},
{0x0020, 0x1000, VR_IS, "Series in Study"},
{0x0020, 0x1002, VR_IS, "Images in Acquisition"},
{0x0020, 0x1004, VR_IS, "Acquisition in Study"},
{0x0020, 0x1040, VR_LO, "Position Reference Indicator"},
{0x0020, 0x1041, VR_DS, "Slice Location"},
{0x0020, 0x1070, VR_IS, "Other Study Numbers"},
{0x0020, 0x1200, VR_IS, "Number of Patient Related Studies"},
{0x0020, 0x1202, VR_IS, "Number of Patient Related Series"},
{0x0020, 0x1204, VR_IS, "Number of Patient Related Images"},
{0x0020, 0x1206, VR_IS, "Number of Study Related Series"},
{0x0020, 0x1208, VR_IS, "Number of Study Related Images"},
{0x0020, 0x4000, VR_LT, "Image Comments"},

{0x0028, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0028, 0x0002, VR_US, "Samples per Pixel"},
{0x0028, 0x0004, VR_CS, "Photometric Interpretation"},
{0x0028, 0x0006, VR_US, "Planar Configuration"},
{0x0028, 0x0008, VR_IS, "Number of Frames"},
{0x0028, 0x0009, VR_AT, "Frame Increment Pointer"},
{0x0028, 0x0010, VR_US, "Rows"},
{0x0028, 0x0011, VR_US, "Columns"},
{0x0028, 0x0012, VR_US, "Planes"},
{0x0028, 0x0014, VR_US, "Color Image"},
{0x0028, 0x0030, VR_DS, "Pixel"},
{0x0028, 0x0031, VR_DS, "Zoom"},
{0x0028, 0x0032, VR_DS, "Zoom"},
{0x0028, 0x0034, VR_IS, "Pixel Aspect Ratio"},
{0x0028, 0x0051, VR_CS, "Corrected Image"},
{0x0028, 0x0100, VR_US, "Bits Allocated"},
{0x0028, 0x0101, VR_US, "Bits Stored"},
{0x0028, 0x0102, VR_US, "High Bit"},
{0x0028, 0x0103, VR_US, "Pixel Representation"},
{0x0028, 0x0106, VR_SS, "Smallest Image Pixel Value"},
{0x0028, 0x0107, VR_SS, "Largest Image Pixel Value"},
{0x0028, 0x0108, VR_SS, "Smallest Pixel Value in Series"},
{0x0028, 0x0109, VR_SS, "Largest Pixel Value in Series"},
{0x0028, 0x0110, VR_SS, "Smallest Image Pixel Value in Plane"},
{0x0028, 0x0111, VR_SS, "Largest Image Pixel Value in Plane"},
{0x0028, 0x0120, VR_SS, "Pixel Padding Value"},
{0x0028, 0x1040, VR_CS, "Pixel Intensity Relationship"},
{0x0028, 0x1050, VR_DS, "Window Center"},
{0x0028, 0x1051, VR_DS, "Window Width"},
{0x0028, 0x1052, VR_DS, "Rescale Intercept"},
{0x0028, 0x1053, VR_DS, "Rescale Slope"},
{0x0028, 0x1054, VR_LO, "Rescale type"},
{0x0028, 0x1055, VR_LO, ") Window Center & Width Explanation"},
{0x0028, 0x1101, VR_SS, "Red Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor"},
{0x0028, 0x1102, VR_SS, "Green Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor"},
{0x0028, 0x1103, VR_SS, "Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor"},
{0x0028, 0x1111, VR_US, "Large Red Palette CLUT Descriptor"},
{0x0028, 0x1112, VR_US, "Large Green Palette CLUT Descriptor"},
{0x0028, 0x1113, VR_US, "Large Blue Palette CLUT Descriptor"},
{0x0028, 0x1201, VR_SS, "Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data"},
{0x0028, 0x1202, VR_SS, "Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data"},
{0x0028, 0x1203, VR_SS, "Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data"},
{0x0028, 0x1211, VR_OW, "Large Red Palette CLUT Data"},
{0x0028, 0x1212, VR_OW, "Large Green Palette CLUT Data"},
{0x0028, 0x1213, VR_OW, "Large Blue Palette CLUT Data"},
{0x0028, 0x1214, VR_UI, "Large Palette UID"},
{0x0028, 0x1244, VR_US, "Preferred Playback Sequencing"},
{0x0028, 0x2110, VR_US, "Lossy image procesing"},
{0x0028, 0x3000, VR_SQ, "Modality LUT Sequence"},
{0x0028, 0x3002, VR_SS, "LUT Descriptor"},
{0x0028, 0x3003, VR_LO, "LUT Explanation"},
{0x0028, 0x3004, VR_LO, "Modality LUT Type"},
{0x0028, 0x3006, VR_SS, "LUT Data"},
{0x0028, 0x3010, VR_SQ, "VOI LUT Sequence"},
{0x0028, 0x5000, VR_SQ, "Bi-Plane Acquisition Sequence"},
{0x0028, 0x6010, VR_US, "Representative Frame Number"},
{0x0028, 0x6020, VR_US, "Frame Numbers of Interest (FOI)"},
{0x0028, 0x6022, VR_LO, "Frame of Interest Description"},
{0x0028, 0x6030, VR_US, "Mask Pointer(s)"},
{0x0028, 0x6040, VR_US, "R Wave Pointer"},
{0x0028, 0x6100, VR_SQ, "Mask Subtraction Sequence"},
{0x0028, 0x6101, VR_CS, "Mask Operation"},
{0x0028, 0x6102, VR_US, "Applicable Frame Range"},
{0x0028, 0x6110, VR_US, "Mask Frame Numbers"},
{0x0028, 0x6112, VR_US, "Contrast Frame Averaging"},
{0x0028, 0x6114, VR_FL, "Mask Sub-pixel Shift"},
{0x0028, 0x6120, VR_SS, "TID Offset"},
{0x0028, 0x6190, VR_ST, "Mask Operation Explanation"},

{0x0032, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0032, 0x000A, VR_CS, "Study Status ID"},
{0x0032, 0x000C, VR_CS, "Study Priority ID"},
{0x0032, 0x0012, VR_LO, "Study ID Issuer"},
{0x0032, 0x0032, VR_DA, "Study Verified Date"},
{0x0032, 0x0033, VR_TM, "Study Verified Time"},
{0x0032, 0x0034, VR_DA, "Study Read Date"},
{0x0032, 0x0035, VR_TM, "Study Read Time"},
{0x0032, 0x1000, VR_DA, "Scheduled Study Start Date"},
{0x0032, 0x1001, VR_TM, "Scheduled Study Start Time"},
{0x0032, 0x1010, VR_DA, "Scheduled Study Stop Date"},
{0x0032, 0x1011, VR_TM, "Scheduled Study Stop Time"},
{0x0032, 0x1020, VR_LO, "Scheduled Study Location"},
{0x0032, 0x1021, VR_AE, "Scheduled Study Location AE Title(s)"},
{0x0032, 0x1030, VR_LO, "Reason for Study"},
{0x0032, 0x1032, VR_PN, "Requesting Physician"},
{0x0032, 0x1033, VR_LO, "Requesting Service"},
{0x0032, 0x1040, VR_DA, "Study Arrival Date"},
{0x0032, 0x1041, VR_TM, "Study Arrival Time"},
{0x0032, 0x1050, VR_DA, "Study Completion Date"},
{0x0032, 0x1051, VR_TM, "Study Completion Time"},
{0x0032, 0x1055, VR_CS, "Study Component Status ID"},
{0x0032, 0x1060, VR_LO, "Requested Procedure Description"},
{0x0032, 0x1064, VR_SQ, "Requested Procedure Code Sequence"},
{0x0032, 0x1070, VR_LO, "Requested Contrast Agent"},
{0x0032, 0x4000, VR_LT, "Study Comments"},

{0x0038, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0038, 0x0004, VR_SQ, "Referenced Patient Alias Sequence"},
{0x0038, 0x0008, VR_CS, "Visit Status ID"},
{0x0038, 0x0010, VR_LO, "Admission ID"},
{0x0038, 0x0011, VR_LO, "Issuer of Admission ID"},
{0x0038, 0x0016, VR_LO, "Route of Admissions"},
{0x0038, 0x001A, VR_DA, "Scheduled Admission Date"},
{0x0038, 0x001B, VR_TM, "Scheduled Admission Time"},
{0x0038, 0x001C, VR_DA, "Scheduled Discharge Date"},
{0x0038, 0x001D, VR_TM, "Scheduled Discharge Time"},
{0x0038, 0x001E, VR_LO, "Scheduled Patient Institution Residence"},
{0x0038, 0x0020, VR_DA, "Admitting Date"},
{0x0038, 0x0021, VR_TM, "Admitting Time"},
{0x0038, 0x0030, VR_DA, "Discharge Date"},
{0x0038, 0x0032, VR_TM, "Discharge Time"},
{0x0038, 0x0040, VR_LO, "Discharge Diagnosis Description"},
{0x0038, 0x0044, VR_SQ, "Discharge Diagnosis Code Sequence"},
{0x0038, 0x0050, VR_LO, "Special Needs"},
{0x0038, 0x0300, VR_LO, "Current Patient Location"},
{0x0038, 0x0400, VR_LO, "Patient's Institution Residence"},
{0x0038, 0x0500, VR_LO, "Patient State"},
{0x0038, 0x4000, VR_LT, "Visit Comments"},

{0x0050, 0x0004, VR_CS, "Calibration Object"},
{0x0050, 0x0010, VR_SQ, "Device Sequence"},
{0x0050, 0x0012, VR_CS, "Device Type"},
{0x0050, 0x0014, VR_DS, "Device Length"},
{0x0050, 0x0016, VR_DS, "Device Diameter"},
{0x0050, 0x0017, VR_CS, "Device Diameter Units"},
{0x0050, 0x0018, VR_DS, "Device Volume"},
{0x0050, 0x0019, VR_DS, "Inter-marker Distance"},
{0x0050, 0x0020, VR_LO, "Device Description"},
{0x0050, 0x0030, VR_SQ, "Coded Interventional Device Sequence"},

{0x0088, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x0088, 0x0130, VR_SH, "Storage Media File-set ID"},
{0x0088, 0x0140, VR_UI, "Storage Media File-set UID"},
{0x0088, 0x0200, VR_SQ, "Icon Image"},
{0x0088, 0x0904, VR_LO, "Topic Title"},
{0x0088, 0x0906, VR_ST, "Topic Subject"},
{0x0088, 0x0910, VR_LO, "Topic Author"},
{0x0088, 0x0912, VR_LO, "Topic Key Words"},

{0x2000, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x2000, 0x0010, VR_IS, "Number Of Copies"},
{0x2000, 0x0020, VR_CS, "Print Priority"},
{0x2000, 0x0030, VR_CS, "Medium Type"},
{0x2000, 0x0040, VR_CS, "Film Destination"},
{0x2000, 0x0050, VR_LO, "Film Session Label"},
{0x2000, 0x0060, VR_IS, "Memory Allocation"},
{0x2000, 0x0500, VR_SQ, "Referenced Film Box Sequence"},

{0x2010, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x2010, 0x0010, VR_ST, "Image Display Format"},
{0x2010, 0x0030, VR_CS, "Annotation Display Format ID"},
{0x2010, 0x0040, VR_CS, "Film Orientation"},
{0x2010, 0x0050, VR_CS, "Film Size ID"},
{0x2010, 0x0060, VR_CS, "Magnification Type"},
{0x2010, 0x0080, VR_CS, "Smoothing Type"},
{0x2010, 0x0100, VR_CS, "Border Density"},
{0x2010, 0x0110, VR_CS, "Empty Image Density"},
{0x2010, 0x0120, VR_US, "Min Density"},
{0x2010, 0x0130, VR_US, "Max Density"},
{0x2010, 0x0140, VR_CS, "Trim"},
{0x2010, 0x0150, VR_ST, "Configuration Information"},
{0x2010, 0x0500, VR_SQ, "Referenced Film Session Sequence"},
{0x2010, 0x0510, VR_SQ, "Referenced Image Box Sequence"},
{0x2010, 0x0520, VR_SQ, "Referenced Basic Annotation Box Sequence"},

{0x2020, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x2020, 0x0010, VR_US, "Image Position"},
{0x2020, 0x0020, VR_CS, "Polarity"},
{0x2020, 0x0030, VR_DS, "Requested Image Size"},
{0x2020, 0x0110, VR_SQ, "Preformatted Grayscale Image Sequence"},
{0x2020, 0x0111, VR_SQ, "Preformatted Color Image Sequence"},
{0x2020, 0x0130, VR_SQ, "Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence"},
{0x2020, 0x0140, VR_SQ, "Referenced VOI LUT Box Sequence"},

{0x2030, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x2030, 0x0010, VR_US, "Annotation Position"},
{0x2030, 0x0020, VR_LO, "Text String"},

{0x2040, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x2040, 0x0010, VR_SQ, "Referenced Overlay Plane Sequence"},
{0x2040, 0x0011, VR_US, "Referenced Overlay Plane Groups"},
{0x2040, 0x0060, VR_CS, "Overlay Magnification Type"},
{0x2040, 0x0070, VR_CS, "Overlay Smoothing Type"},
{0x2040, 0x0080, VR_CS, "Overlay Foreground Density"},
{0x2040, 0x0090, VR_CS, "Overlay Mode"},
{0x2040, 0x0100, VR_CS, "Threshold Density"},
{0x2040, 0x0500, VR_SQ, "Referenced Image Box Sequence"},

{0x2100, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x2100, 0x0020, VR_CS, "Execution Status"},
{0x2100, 0x0030, VR_CS, "Execution Status Info"},
{0x2100, 0x0040, VR_DA, "Creation Date"},
{0x2100, 0x0050, VR_TM, "Creation Time"},
{0x2100, 0x0070, VR_AE, "Originator"},
{0x2100, 0x0500, VR_SQ, "Referenced Print Job Sequence"},

{0x2110, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x2110, 0x0010, VR_CS, "Printer Status"},
{0x2110, 0x0020, VR_CS, "Printer Status Info"},
{0x2110, 0x0030, VR_LO, "Printer Name"},
{0x2110, 0x0099, VR_SH, "Printer Queue ID"},

{0x4008, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x4008, 0x0040, VR_SH, "Results ID"},
{0x4008, 0x0042, VR_LO, "Results ID Issuer"},
{0x4008, 0x0050, VR_SQ, "Referenced Interpretation Sequence"},
{0x4008, 0x0100, VR_DA, "Interpretation Recorded Date"},
{0x4008, 0x0101, VR_TM, "Interpretation Recorded Time"},
{0x4008, 0x0102, VR_PN, "Interpretation Recorder"},
{0x4008, 0x0103, VR_LO, "Reference to Recorded Sound"},
{0x4008, 0x0108, VR_DA, "Interpretation Transcription Date"},
{0x4008, 0x0109, VR_TM, "Interpretation Transcription Time"},
{0x4008, 0x010A, VR_PN, "Interpretation Transcriber"},
{0x4008, 0x010B, VR_ST, "Interpretation Text"},
{0x4008, 0x010C, VR_PN, "Interpretation Author"},
{0x4008, 0x0111, VR_SQ, "Interpretation Approver Sequence"},
{0x4008, 0x0112, VR_DA, "Interpretation Approval Date"},
{0x4008, 0x0113, VR_TM, "Interpretation Approval Time"},
{0x4008, 0x0114, VR_PN, "Physician Approving Interpretation"},
{0x4008, 0x0115, VR_LT, "Interpretation Diagnosis Description"},
{0x4008, 0x0117, VR_SQ, "Diagnosis Code Sequence"},
{0x4008, 0x0118, VR_SQ, "Results Distribution List Sequence"},
{0x4008, 0x0119, VR_PN, "Distribution Name"},
{0x4008, 0x011A, VR_LO, "Distribution Address"},
{0x4008, 0x0200, VR_SH, "Interpretation ID"},
{0x4008, 0x0202, VR_LO, "Interpretation ID Issuer"},
{0x4008, 0x0210, VR_CS, "Interpretation Type ID"},
{0x4008, 0x0212, VR_CS, "Interpretation Status ID"},
{0x4008, 0x0300, VR_ST, "Impressions"},
{0x4008, 0x4000, VR_ST, "Results Comments"},

{0x7FE0, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Group Length"},
{0x7FE0, 0x0010, VR_OB, "Pixel Data"},

{0xFFFC, 0x0000, VR_UL, "Jeff's mystery Group Length"},
{0xFFFC, 0xFFFC, VR_OB, "Data Set Trailing Padding"},

{0xFFFE, 0xE000, VR_DATA, "Item"},
{0xFFFE, 0xE00D, VR_DATA, "Item Delimitation Item"},
{0xFFFE, 0xE0DD, VR_DATA, "Sequence Delimitation Item"},
{0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, VR_AE, " "}

struct dictStruct *dictLookup(unsigned short, unsigned short);
int checkEndian(void);
